Thursday 7 August 2014

My MakeUp Brush Collection

Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven't blogged for a while but I have been away on holiday at Disneyland Paris! It was amazing and I am going to be doing a blog post on it soon.
Today I am going to be showing you my Makeup Brush collection. I only have Real Techniques brushes but they are really good.
White pot (IKEA)
This is my collection, at the moment I only have 11 brushes but it is growing and I hope to own a lot more one day! I clean my brushes about once every two weeks. This is just the way I do it and if its not the same as you don't worry, everyone has different opinions and people do things differently:)
This is the core collection set which is for your face/skin. I really like these brushes because of the way they apply the makeup to my skin.
 This is the eye starter kit from Real Techniques. I love this because of the precision of the brushes and that the one on the left can also be used for concealer.

This is the expert face brush which I use for foundation, this brush buffs in my foundation very well and I prefer it to my buffing brush. I love the flawless finish it gives to my skin.

Finally, this is my blush brush which I also use for powder because I think its amazing for both of those things.
Thank you for reading my blog
love you all